My Daemon Prince was my first model I undertook since I was a kid 30 or so years ago. As I mentioned in the prior post I was influenced by Cliffhaenger, who was inspired by Red Beard Baron with their appraoches to creating such a monster. I have the habit of jumping in fully when I commit and sometimes this can a recipe for over extending myself, but I figured why not a full conversion with a monster character? I had a hunger for more cow-bell if you will and this Daemon prince was my cowbell. For the colors I loved the lore and style of the Pallid hands, but really wanted to incorporate my Plague company to be descendants of the Dusk Raiders as well since I wanted the ancient veteran knowledge and siege warfare specialism. Here is how my paint theme was developed:
Paint Recipe:
Undercoat - Wraith bone
Screaming skull with touch of water with large brush
seraphim sepia with small layer brush on edge of armor
screaming skull with small layer brush on armor.
leadbelcher metal on all metal trim and metal components
corvus black on right pauldron and right arm
leadbelcher metal
corvus black horns and joints
dryad bark straps and hair
agrax earthshade all over except screaming skull armor
matt white - army painter - highlight armor
sycorax bronze - highlight trim
eshin grey - highlight black details
stormhost silver - highlight metal
gorthor brown - highlight leather
corvus black for eyes
kislev flesh on fleshy bits
averland sunset - pustules
guilliman flesh for contrast flesh
magos purple for contrast flesh
contrast medium for contrast flesh blending
flayed one flesh for skin highlights
averland sunset for pustules
rust streaks AK interactive for rust
white spirit - enamel thinners
old rust vallejo paints - rust highlights
pigment fixer to fix old rust to model
protect model vallejo brush-on
protect model testors spray lacquer clear coat