The Sporotrichosis - Pox Walkers

Making Of / 05 March 2024

The Sporotrichosis-infected Kroot Farstalkers have transformed into Poxwalkers, becoming victims of Nurgle's fruit—an insidious parasitic mycelium that overtakes hosts and compels them to feed and spread Nurgle's spores further. They now serve as terror troops; even their ceaseless groaning serves as a vector for infecting the living with nightmares and terrors. In battle, they overwhelm their foes with a deluge of infected flesh, clawing hands, gnashing teeth, and mutated appendages.

I assembled this unit towards the end of my assembly of various Plague Company models. These Kroot were originally a Kill Team included in the "Into the Dark" box set. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the current Poxwalker models; I find them to be a little too comical for my aesthetic tastes.

The Kroot lore has grown on me, especially after recently finishing the book "Kasrkin" by Edoardo Albert. While I'm aware that Kroot generally avoid consuming Tyranids, Warp Spawn, or Necrons due to taboos and obvious dangers, I imagined a scenario where they became lost in a Space Hulk, desperate, and were eventually studied and manipulated by the Plague Company's Pulse of the Maggot operatives. They've become an experiment conducted by my Plague Lord and Surgeon to infect them with Nurgle's fruit. To achieve this I had to do some pretty extensive conversion work. Luckily, I have a lot of mutant bits!  

Even the puppers are victims to this insidious experiment!

What's that?! Death Watch?! Might there be Death Watch models showcased soon?!